Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I hate Scarlett Johansson

For lack of absolutely anything better to watch at Andrea and Mark's one night, I found The Other Boleyn Girl (Justin Chadwick,  2008) on their DVR. Watchable? Yes. Worth it? Questionable. It's always somehow titillating to see sexuality depicted in far off history. But this is so Hollywoodized, I could not tell you whether it's at all accurate.

I guess one of the main draws might be the costumes, one of which Lucas and I saw on display at the Landmark on Pico a while back (this green number depicted above). But I guess that brings me back to...fluff.

Plus, I hate Scarlett Johansson. So it was kind of fun to see her Mary Boleyn get destroyed by Natalie Portman, I mean Anne Boleyn. But then, of course, she got to get all self-righteous in the end. Damn.

1 comment:

  1. i watched this too in a moment of desperation the details of which are repressed in my memory. despite the fact that i do have a weakness for lavish period pieces, this was a particularly bad one. i hate scarlett johansson too, although i used to like her when she had only made ghost world and love song for bobby long.
